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Keep your users informed by maintaining a clear record of all product changes and new features.

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Enhance your changelog with these features

(and more)

Merge and Split Posts

Merge and split posts for better feedback management and organization.

Custom Statuses

Supports custom statuses, enhancing flexibility in tracking feedback and development stages.


Attach files to posts. These are hidden from your customers, but you can share the URL with them.

Custom Categories

Enables the creation of custom categories for better organization and filtering of feedback.


Supports webhooks for integrating with other systems and automating workflows based on feedback events.

API Access

Includes API access, allowing for extensive customization and integration capabilities.

Notification Center

Customers have an overview of all notifications inside ProductLift (like status updates). They can easily see which ones are unread.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Provides Single Sign-On (SSO) feature for secure and simplified access.


The faster, easier way to capture user feedback at scale

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