What is Churn Analysis?

Ruben Buijs

Founder & Digital Consultant

Written on Aug 10, 2023

3 minutes

Product Management

Churn Analysis is a crucial process in product management that helps businesses understand and analyze customer attrition or churn. It involves examining customer data to identify patterns, trends, and factors that contribute to customer churn. By conducting a thorough churn analysis, product managers can gain valuable insights to develop strategies and tactics aimed at reducing churn and improving customer retention.


To better understand churn analysis, let's consider a few examples:

  1. Subscription-Based Service: A music streaming platform notices a sudden increase in customer cancellations. By performing churn analysis, they discover that the majority of churned customers were dissatisfied with the limited song selection. Armed with this insight, the product team works on expanding the music library to cater to customer preferences and reduce churn.

  2. E-commerce Business: An online retailer observes a decline in repeat purchases. Through churn analysis, they uncover that customers who experienced delayed or inaccurate deliveries were more likely to churn. This prompts the product team to focus on optimizing the logistics and fulfillment process to enhance customer satisfaction and retention.


Churn analysis is essential for several reasons:

  1. Identifying At-Risk Customers: Churn analysis helps identify customers who are at a higher risk of churning based on their behavior, usage patterns, or specific characteristics. This enables product managers to take proactive measures to retain these customers before they leave.

  2. Understanding Churn Drivers: By analyzing churn data, product managers can identify the key factors that contribute to customer churn. This could include poor user experience, lack of desired features, pricing issues, or even competitive factors. Such insights are invaluable for making informed product decisions and prioritizing improvements.

  3. Improving Customer Retention: Churn analysis enables product managers to develop targeted retention strategies. By addressing the root causes of churn, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, increase loyalty, and ultimately retain more customers in the long run.

How to Use Churn Analysis

To effectively use churn analysis, product managers can follow these steps:

  1. Data Collection: Gather relevant customer data, including customer demographics, usage data, purchase history, support interactions, and any other relevant information. Ensure that the data is accurate, comprehensive, and covers a sufficient time period.

  2. Define Churn: Establish a clear definition of churn, which could vary depending on the business. Churn might be defined as a customer canceling a subscription, not making a purchase within a specific timeframe, or ceasing engagement with the product entirely.

  3. Analyze Churn Data: Utilize various analytical techniques and tools to examine the churn data. Identify trends, patterns, and commonalities among churned customers. Look for correlations between churn and different customer attributes or actions.

  4. Identify Churn Drivers: Determine the factors that contribute to churn by comparing the behavior and characteristics of churned customers with those who have remained loyal. This analysis will help identify the key drivers behind customer churn.

  5. Develop Actionable Insights: Based on the churn analysis, generate actionable insights that can guide product improvement and retention strategies. Prioritize the identified churn drivers and develop initiatives to address them effectively.

  6. Monitor and Iterate: Continuously monitor churn metrics and evaluate the impact of implemented strategies. Iterate on the product, evaluate the effectiveness of changes, and refine retention efforts based on ongoing analysis.

Useful Tips

Consider the following tips to enhance your churn analysis:

  • Segmentation: Analyze churn data across different customer segments to gain more specific insights. Comparing churn rates and patterns among various user groups can help identify segment-specific churn drivers and develop targeted retention strategies.

  • Early Warning Indicators: Identify early warning indicators that precede churn. These indicators can include decreased usage, increased support interactions, or changes in customer behavior. Paying attention to these signals allows for proactive intervention to prevent churn.

  • Customer Feedback: Combine churn analysis with gathering qualitative feedback from churned customers. Conduct surveys, interviews, or user research to understand the reasons behind churn directly from customers. This qualitative data can provide deeper context and help validate findings from the churn analysis.


Churn analysis is the process of analyzing customer attrition or churn rate to understand why customers are leaving a product or service.
Churn analysis helps product managers identify the reasons why customers are leaving, allowing them to take proactive measures to reduce churn and retain more customers.
Common methods used in churn analysis include customer segmentation, cohort analysis, predictive modeling, and customer feedback analysis.
Churn analysis provides valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and pain points, enabling product managers to make data-driven decisions, improve customer retention, and enhance the overall product experience.
Data commonly used in churn analysis includes customer demographics, usage patterns, purchase history, customer support interactions, and customer feedback.
Key metrics used in churn analysis include churn rate, customer lifetime value (CLV), customer retention rate, average revenue per user (ARPU), and customer acquisition cost (CAC).
Product managers can reduce churn by addressing the identified pain points, improving product features, enhancing customer support, implementing targeted retention strategies, and continuously monitoring and optimizing the customer experience.
Challenges in churn analysis include data quality issues, identifying causation vs. correlation, predicting churn accurately, interpreting complex customer behavior patterns, and keeping up with evolving customer needs.
Churn analysis should be performed regularly and ideally on an ongoing basis to track trends, identify changes in customer behavior, and evaluate the effectiveness of churn reduction efforts.
Some best practices for churn analysis include defining clear churn metrics, using advanced analytics techniques, integrating qualitative and quantitative data sources, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and continuously iterating and improving churn reduction strategies.

Article by

Ruben Buijs

Ruben is the founder of ProductLift. I employ a decade of consulting experience from Ernst & Young to maximize clients' ROI on new Tech developments. I now help companies build better products

Table of contents

  1. Examples
  2. Importance
  3. How to Use Churn Analysis
  4. Useful Tips
  5. Related Terms

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Ruben Buijs

Founder & Digital Consultant