Free RICE Template for Effective Prioritization

Ruben Buijs

Founder & Digital Consultant

Written on Oct 22, 2024

1 minutes


To help you get started with RICE prioritization, we've created a collection of free templates available in various formats:

What is RICE Prioritization?

RICE is a prioritization framework that stands for Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort. It helps product managers and teams evaluate and compare different initiatives based on these four factors:

  1. Reach: How many people will this impact?

  2. Impact: How much will it affect each person?

  3. Confidence: How certain are we about our estimates?

  4. Effort: How much time and resources will this require?

By combining these factors, you get a single score that allows you to compare and rank different ideas objectively.

For a more detailed explanation of RICE prioritization, check out: Understanding RICE Prioritization

About Our RICE Templates

Our RICE prioritization templates are designed to be:

  1. Easy to Use: Input your estimates, and the template calculates the RICE score.

  2. Customizable: Adapt them to fit your specific needs and context.

  3. Collaborative: Share with your team to align on priorities.

Choose Your Preferred Format

Whether you prefer Excel, Google Sheets, PowerPoint, Notion, or Miro, we've got you covered:

  • Excel: Ideal for those comfortable with Microsoft Office.

  • Google Sheets: Perfect for real-time online collaboration.

  • PowerPoint: Great for presentations and sharing with stakeholders.

  • Notion: For those who use Notion as their productivity tool.

  • Miro: For visual collaboration and brainstorming.

Download Links

Looking for a Long-Term Solution?


While templates are great for quick prioritization, managing ongoing product decisions requires a more robust tool. ProductLift's prioritization feature offers a dynamic platform where you can:

  • Collaborate with Your Team: Invite team members to contribute and align on priorities in real-time.

  • Track Changes Over Time: Keep a history of how priorities evolve.

  • Integrate with Other Tools: Seamlessly connect with your existing workflow.

  • Move Beyond One-Time Documents: Establish a continuous prioritization process that adapts to your product's needs.

RICE Calculator Tool

For quick calculations without downloading a template file, try this online RICE Calculator tool: RICE Calculator

Article by

Ruben Buijs

Ruben is the founder of ProductLift. I employ a decade of consulting experience from Ernst & Young to maximize clients' ROI on new Tech developments. I now help companies build better products

Table of contents

  1. What is RICE Prioritization?
  2. About Our RICE Templates
  3. Choose Your Preferred Format
  4. Looking for a Long-Term Solution?
  5. RICE Calculator Tool

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Learn how to use MoSCoW prioritization to focus on what matters most in product development. Discover tips from an expert consultant on implementing this simple yet powerful method.

Free RICE PPT Template PowerPoint

Download the free RICE prioritization PowerPoint template. Present RICE scores visually and prioritize product features objectively.

Free RICE Template Google Sheets

Access the free RICE prioritization Google Sheets template. Collaborate in real-time and prioritize product features objectively.

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Did you know 80% of software features are rarely or never used? That's a lot of wasted effort.

SaaS software companies spend billions on unused features. Last year, it was $29.5 billion.

We saw this problem and decided to do something about it. Product teams needed a better way to decide what to build.

That's why we created ProductLift - to put all feedback in one place, helping teams easily see what features matter most.

In the last four years, we've helped over 3,051 product teams (like yours) double feature adoption and halve the costs. I'd love for you to give it a try.

Ruben Buijs

Founder & Digital Consultant